Saturday, May 30, 2009

La Frontera que Viene

I must confess I do like conflict - not so much for the conflict itself, which I do find intriguing, but for the fact that conflict is the harbinger of newness... where old and stale are most vulnerable to a good churning.

In daily life, we are not permitted to be really great. We can be "great" with a small "g" by rallying for what is right and defending ourselves and others from what is wrong. We can, for instance, have a massive impact on our small, inconsequential worlds within the context of what is permissible at work or home. We can even touch others lives profoundly by coming to their assistance, opening doors of opportunity, providing a second and third chance for redemption, etc. But we cannot be truly great in the context of a reality that refuses to allow for turbulence and hates individualism.

This is why I am excited to see the old, settled world give up its ghost. I am frankly bored with it.

The current world-wide disorder is apt to get much wose before it gets any better. While the world markets rally fueled on false hope and pols rally with slogans worth so much dirt - on one last ditch scheme to bamboozle and fleece the last among the commoners - I am realistic about the actuality of the political-economic breakdown that is inevitable. And I welcome it. I pray for it to be a quick.

And when this occurs, there will be many like me who bid good riddance to this stale disordered reality. When this occurs, there will be many like me who will lay patiently for the proper moment to shine.

It is not tranquility we abhor, but the placid injustice of being tied to a dying-man's shell. Let him pass. He has lived a good and long life. Let him pass so that newness and vitality - greatness - might spring from his rotting corpse.

La frontera se viene.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Twatter Recommends...

1. Keeping your friends close ... but your enemies closer. Those fuckers could eat you alive if your ninja skills aren't up to par.
2. Never forgetting who you truly are - no matter who or what tries to cloud your vision.
3. Shooting the most bad-ass firearm(s) (lets say a 9mm or .22) with your close comrades & confidants - stilettos are optional, but always welcome.
4. Surrounding yourself with people that make you laugh - and not just a hah-hah chuckle, but a fall of your chair, laugh until you cry (or pee a little in your pants) laugh. The more it happens, the better.
5. Trying everything you possibly can, at least once - no fear.
6. Not backing down from what you believe in - even if you feel like you 'go against the grain'.
7. Listening
8. Playing in the rain.
9. Taking a risk - there's no need for more pussies in this world.
10. That you continue to be fucking amazing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Not a Bad Guy at All - Just Disenfranchised

Despite the recent election of the Obamassiah, this beastard must think The Man is still keeping him down. What a complete pile of shit.

God have mercy on his soul.

Can you imagine the outcry had he done the same to a dog. As it is the 3-month old was just a couple months removed from the status of "fetus."

England - the Gimp of Europe

Orwell was definitely on to something profound. In years past, most of us could never quite bring ourselves to truly consider "1984" more than a worst-case-scenario... surely this book was a work exploring the darker corners of a maniacal collective hive-mind - imposing its twisted will on the Individual through technological means, backed by an army of bureaucratic cunts.

But the time is here: where men and women sell their neighbors' liberties for a paycheck. The Thought Police are here and they will suss you out. You are the Other.

It's enough to begin to feel that maybe things are very much different than you were led to believe. That you are peeking behind the curtain. And I am a small mind. Misled as he was on many counts regarding Humanity, Orwell was, in terms of this Vision of his, quite inspired.

While reading this I decided to comment. The experience was truly spooky.

I wrote my comment...

"can you say Orwellian? you must get back to your roots - read this while they still let you - Milton's "Areopagitica" - the thought police have been waiting years and years for technology to lend a hand - now the technology and the will and the institutions are in place. fight, Britain! fight while you still can, you ninnies!"

Then I was prompted to register to post. No problem. But then I was prompted to provide my date of birth... "required by law" to do so, in fact. British Law.

Which confirmed for me that England is in fact the Gimp of Europe.

This makes me angry - because England should know better. Does, in fact, know better. But mostly I am sad because I know my country is lurching eagerly (of all things) down the same path.

Why do those who are so quick to remind us of their "enlightened" status seek to snuff out discourse? What are they afraid of? And aren't these the same that assured us all that "free and open" discourse (even with the enemy) was and is the proper and pure path?

Bring out the Gimp - we are truly fucked.

Your Monday Dose of Twat

Apparently, Happy Meals are not just for kids anymore - or are the governments of our world trying to teach the youth of today life lessons at a very early age?

If I remember correctly, the last time I was fed a Happy Meal, all I got was a lousy wind-up toy, or matchbox car.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Winning the Lottery!

This I find a striking precedent to set:

" Wisconsin's prisons, nearly half of inmates are African-American, yet Blacks represent just 6 percent of Wisconsin’s population (emphasis O'Coileain). Racial disparities permeate the entire criminal justice continuum, in the number of arrests, cases charged, sentences and probation and parole revocations. In some offense categories, like drug arrests and minor offenses, the disparity is more pronounced, while in others, like sentences for serious offenses, the disparity is reduced."

The State of Wisconsin's Response?

Governor Jim Doyle established the Commission on Reducing Racial Disparities in the Wisconsin Justice System to study and recommend solutions for racial disparities in each step of the criminal justice continuum."

Question: Likelihood of anyone applying that same policy to the following "Racial Disparity?"

All 5 members of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank are "[fill in the blank]," "all things being equal" would mean there is a 1 in 326,128 chance of that happening...

Ben Bernanke, Chairman
Donald Kohn, Vice-Chairman
Kevin Warsh
Randall Kroszner
Elizabeth A. Duke
Daniel Tarullo

Answer: let me venture to say, "Zero to none."

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Obama Code

No doubt with the impending vacancy among the Supremes, our fearless leader will apply his formidable, post-partisan intellect to suss out the most meritorious legal and Constitutional scholar to help preserve and protect the Republic.

Am I glad His Holiness won the election! Can you imagine who McCain would have likely tried to stuff on the bench? I mean, think of it... we'd probably get stuck with another Catholic White Guy... And God knows we are putting that sort of partisanship behind us! And, anyway, surely we don't want Catholics (who are sworn to follow this crazy Hitler Youth around... can't have an American with Split Loyalties in such high places, after all...)

Barack, may Allah bless Him, is like so totally good looking and contemplative. I mean talk about someone who knows a thing or two about the danger of allowing consideration of merit when filling vacant posts for important positions! Why, he himself was judged by many to be unfit to serve... but now, Allah be praised, we have an incredibly qualified community organizer sitting in the White House! A real Man of the People - not unlike Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Che, Castro in his awesome charisma! I mean, he speaks and it's like the heavens open up! Surely he will not be guided by self-interest and DC politics... right?