Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Twatter Recommends...

1. Keeping your friends close ... but your enemies closer. Those fuckers could eat you alive if your ninja skills aren't up to par.
2. Never forgetting who you truly are - no matter who or what tries to cloud your vision.
3. Shooting the most bad-ass firearm(s) (lets say a 9mm or .22) with your close comrades & confidants - stilettos are optional, but always welcome.
4. Surrounding yourself with people that make you laugh - and not just a hah-hah chuckle, but a fall of your chair, laugh until you cry (or pee a little in your pants) laugh. The more it happens, the better.
5. Trying everything you possibly can, at least once - no fear.
6. Not backing down from what you believe in - even if you feel like you 'go against the grain'.
7. Listening
8. Playing in the rain.
9. Taking a risk - there's no need for more pussies in this world.
10. That you continue to be fucking amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome - you can't say "fuck face" either - especially around someone who is a fuck face.
