Thursday, April 30, 2009

Televangelizashun of the Nashun - Obama to be Draped at Notre Dame Commencement

In keeping with the Display Rules of the New Messiah (wherein religious symbols are to be shrouded prior to photo ops in which His Majesty may have advent to appear), His Highness, El Comandante Obama, Mohammed be screwed by a goat, will hereafter shroud his head in a burka while in public.

His Elegance, Allah shit on his head, was quoted as saying " this post-partisan age I have heralded in with my special abilities bequeathed by Allah himself, bless be to his greatness, I will not have infidels gaze upon my ebony locks... nor tolerate any Personage before Me. Oh, and in the spirit of this new post-partisan ecumenism, fuck conservatives, gun owners, and small business owners... godammit, who screwed with the teleprompter?"

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