Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I know Times Are Rough Right Now - But Seriously?

People never cease to amaze me - both the good and the bad.

We're all aware that as a country, we're in a 'fight or flight' mode right now ... economy is down the shitter, foreclosure rates are at mind boggling levels, layoffs encapsulate the daily news. We grasp tightly to the tidbits of good news that are few and far between.

This is clearly not one of them.

WTF was going through their mind when they felt THIS was a good idea?

Robbing from those who have given the ultimate sacrifice - dying for their country - because you want a new look for your house? Unfathomable.


  1. yes. unreal - i can't tell from the article whether the stones were intended for soldiers or were in active use when they were stolen.

  2. Does it really matter?

    If it has the term 'veteran' associated with it, HANDS OFF.
