Sunday, April 5, 2009

Snap - or The Problem of the Lunatic Fringe

Is it me or have more and more people been snapping in the US of late?

I have a friend who says the piano wire is so taut right now that it has to give way... I think it is beginning to occur in the US, where this past week saw no fewer than 5 or so 1 man murder sprees. Purposeless rampages where innocents are slaughtered due to uncontrolled rage. Horrifying, really. These all occurred within one week all over the continental US. It seems to me the frequency with which these shootings are occurring is increasing dramatically.

Wong, NYC

Poplawski, Pittsburgh, PA
Stewart, Carthage, NC
Unknown, Santa Clara, CA
Graham, WA

Update - 08/04/09 - Temecula, CA
Update - 08/04/09 - Alabama
Update - 08/04/09 - Some Link Economy with Spate of Killings
Update - 07/04/09 - Bavaria
Update - 07/04/09 - Florida

The problem with the lunatic fringe cracking as they do is that, though leading-indicators of systemic stress, they are uncoordinated and hap-hazard. And what is worse is that though the actual apparatus has in no way been damaged, the liberty hating helicopter bureaucrats and pols will seize upon these shootings in some manner to curtail legitimate gun ownership by law-abiding citizens.

Unemployment - US Average 8.5%
Food Stamps - 1 in 10 in US receiving government food subsidies


  1. I couldn't agree more: the wire is going to snap (if it hasn't already). There is only so much pressure and stress people can handle before they "snap". There are no outlets to disburse the stress: you can either explode or dope yourself into a coma with big Pharma.

    If you're asking, I think "the elite" would like a quick 50/50 split: it's a great way to lower the population and the half with the sense not explode, will become even more malleable than they already are. Genius, really.

    And, if they GOV'T is willing to admit a 8.5% unemployment rate, then it's probably more like 10-12%. And, taken in context with Depression era population, we have already submerged into a Greater Depression.

    Good night. And Good Luck.

  2. Anon - dig it. Scanners and Zombies. We are scanners and zombies all. - Enoch
